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ApplicantSafe Makes Big Investments in Future Client Success

New Initiatives and Excitement Surround Bold ApplicantSafe Initiatives


LAKEWOOD, NJ | July 22, 2021 – AppliantSafe, the industry benchmark for performance and customer care is pleased to announce that in addition to a fresh new look for the brand, there is also a renewed focus on client education as well as a newly developed stand-alone, A.I. powered technology product being unveiled in coming weeks.


“We couldn’t be more excited about all that’s going on,” said Michael Wenger, President of ApplicantSafe.  “We have a lot of exciting projects which all have one thing in common…they’re all focused on making our client’s lives better.  First we are focusing on an easier and more streamlined website, to provide clients the exact information they need, when they need it.  Second, we have a comprehensive book on background screening that we’re releasing shortly.  This will provide bedrock knowledge for clients as to what they can expect from various aspects of the overall screening process….all the way from the basics to advanced processes.  Third, we have an extremely important educational initiative underway that’s designed to inform clients about specific value-added screening features that are unique to ApplicantSafe; many of which are currently not being utilized to their highest and best use.  And last, but certainly not least, we’ve made the investment to have a new A.I. powered software service built from the ground up.  We’ll be unveiling it within the next few weeks, and couldn’t be more excited!  So you can see from just the overview of what I’ve laid out, there is a TON of exciting activity happening here at ApplicantSafe.”


ApplicantSafe has been operating nationally for the past  20+  years and has become known for innovation and performance among its many clients.

“Michael and his team have always been at the forefront of customer service and technology,” said Dave Jeffries,  Managing Partner of The WPM Group.  It’s really no surprise that as we’ve emerged from the thick of the pandemic that ApplicantSafe would rise above the crowd with new and innovative solutions that are in keeping with their already-existing core values. Michael is one of the rare few who doesn’t just talk about innovating or serving clients, but as like with this instance, he saw a need in the marketplace for more education and a better software solution. Instead of just ‘making do’ with the already existing approaches, he and his ApplicantSafe team rolled up their sleeves and got to work creating a better solution for clients…this really is the ApplicantSafe way, and it’s refreshing (albeit expected) to see from them.”


About ApplicantSafe

ApplicantSafe, along with TenantSafe provides smarter, more approachable screening and background intelligence solutions to business leaders across the United Sates.  With a firm commitment to advanced technology and peerless customer service, ApplicantSafe has become synonymous with professionalism and performance.  So no matter what the screening need may be,  ApplicantSafe and TenantSafe offer clients the right combination of services to ensure that risk is properly mitigated and peace of mind achieved.



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